Checkmk results for Downtime in the last 24 hours: 0.00%. Downtime in the last month: 0.17%. Availability during workday in the last 24 hours: 100%. Availability outside workday in the last 24 hours: 100%. Availability during workday in the last month: 99.92%. Availability outside workday in the last month: 99.91%. There is a score computed from the availability timeline during a given day. The score is calculated as score = 100 - (2 * percentageDuringWorkDay + percentageOutsideWorkDay) / 3. This way, the availability during workday is 2 times more valuable than the availability outside workday. 3 for the 3 percentages combine. The same principle is applied for month score. The score for a day would be: 100. The score for a month would be: 99.91.